How to Make a Career Pivot

FreeĀ Webinar with Lynn Juve

Big career moves are possible, with the right strategy.Ā 


Wednesday,Ā May 29th at 5 pmĀ PT / 8 pm ET



How to Make a Career Pivot starts in:










"Hi Lynn, I am excited to let you know that because of your talk to the COMM Lead group a couple weeks ago, I had the confidence to ask for what I thought I was worth at a job interview a couple days later. They actually offered me over my asking! I started the new job this week! I am sending my sister your way. šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜Š thank you!"

- Alyssa Hagen 

I landed a job at Microsoft, but it almost didnā€™t happen because of LinkedIn.

I knew I wanted to pivot from teaching to tech, so I did what most people do - I started on LinkedIn.Ā 

But LinkedInā€™s algorithm told me I wasnā€™t qualified for anything except for - well, what I had already been doing.

I am so glad that I didnā€™t let LinkedIn stop me!Ā 

Not only did I land a role at Microsoft, a year later I was in my dream job at a startup that went public.Ā 

These career experiences proved that many skills were transferable to new industries. They also gave me an entirely new perspective on my career.

In my career in tech, I met a lot of people who pivoted.

But then I started to meet people who struggled to land their ideal roles even though they were just as qualified!

This was the inspiration to do the work that I do.Ā Ā 

I developed a framework and have worked with hundreds of clients to land their target roles.

My clients work with me because they want:

āœ…Ā A career that feels more aligned with their values

āœ…Ā Challenging and exciting work

āœ…Ā Work/life balance

āœ… A manager and colleagues that value them

I want to share the framework that I use with all my clients in this free live training!

We will cover how my clients:

Landed their target roles, when at first they couldnā€™t even land an interview.

Began searching even when they didnā€™t know the exact title of their target role.

Got interviews without applying online, circumventing the applicant tracking systems altogether.

We will go over the process that has landed my clients roles at

Learn these strategies in order to search more effectively!

Itā€™s time to get into a fulfilling career that you love!

This training is a Zoom meeting. Not a recording. This way, it will be interactive and you can ask your specific questions which means that you can get the most out of it.Ā 



Iā€™m a job search strategist. Everything above is true about my career. I went on to work at tech start-up that went public and become a hiring manager. I also ended up hiring a lot of pivoters.Ā 

My experience taught me that my experience pivoting was not unique. And I started Bespoke professional because I knew so many people were capable of changing careers, but just werenā€™t sure how. I have been at this now for more than 5 years.Ā 

Important things to know about me:

šŸ’”I love when you ask me to explain why.

šŸ’«I pride myself on using a method that works, but also tailoring my services to my clients needs.Ā 

šŸŒ„I donā€™t do winter anymore. In winter months, youā€™ll find in me in sunny Medellin, Colombia.

šŸˆā€ā¬›I have a little black and white cat.Ā 

ā˜•I loved iced coffee.Ā 

How to Make a Career Pivot starts in:
